
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kitchen Shots

I took these pictures in my parents' kitchen in Illinois.  I was bored as we were trying to figure out what to do one day so I grabbed a couple decorations off their mantel for the macros and found some birds out the kitchen window.

The red-headed woodpecker might be horrible to have around the house but it sure was pretty.
The cardinals were a little fat... I think they're getting too much food!


Here's some pictures of my mom's new dog, Teddy.  He's a poodle-Bijon Frise mix and is absolutely adorable.  He's also probably the softest dog you'll ever meet.  The pics are a little rough because I was shooting at ISO 3200 but he looks great.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Schumacher Wedding

I was recently blessed with the opportunity of attending the wedding of my closest childhood friend.  Mark and I were inseparable as kids and have remained close to this day.  Mark married the love of his life, Meredith, at Immanuel Lutheran Church in East Dundee, Illinois.  The church is very special to me as Mark and I attended the school there from kindergarten through eighth grade.  I stood up in the wedding but I was also able to sneak away at times to get a few pictures.  The entire night was great and I'm so thankful I was there to celebrate.  Congratulations guys from Michelle, Austin, and me!

The program
Mark and Meredith at the rehearsal
Immanuel's organ

Close up on Mark
Mark waiting his turn for pictures after the ceremony

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rhett's New Barn

We went to visit Rhett today at his new barn, Cape Cod Farm.  He looked great and he really seems to love all the attention!  Here's some pictures from his lesson.

Dash looking Dramatic

This may be the most dramatic portrait I've ever taken.  Too bad it's of my dog, Dash!

Pelé in the Making

I recently purchased a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens and it finally came yesterday.  Austin and I went outside to take a few test shots and I have to say... it's amazing!!  Shooting Austin playing soccer with Michelle at 8 frames a second was unreal.  I kept the lens at f/2.8 the entire time and the focus was lightning fast.  I'm really looking forward to learning this lens and taking tons of pictures of Austin's soccer games, the upcoming birth of our new baby and anything and everything else.  Here's the first captured moments of Austin's soccer career.  You have to love his faces :)  

I have no idea... but it sure was hilarious.

Making farting noises while he kicks?  I'm not sure...

Rocking the spider-man shoes.

He sure does love being outside.

He's thinking, "I'm gonna kick you or punch you.  You're going down one way or another."

Michael Jordan didn't play soccer but Austin doesn't care.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Griffey and Dash!

Here are my final pictures of Griffey.  With a baby on the way, me in school, Michelle about to start back, etc. we just had too much on our plate to try to handle a puppy.  I'm going to miss the little guy like crazy :(  The people that bought him were really sweet though and I'm sure he's going to have a great home.  

Cutest scene ever?  Possibly.  At least until our baby gets here.

He's coming for me!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Day at the Barn

Here's some pictures of Michelle and Rhett a few days before we moved him to his new barn.  It was crazy muddy out but that won't be a problem anymore since the new place has an indoor riding arena!  

Michelle says her baby bump went to her butt.  I'm not complaining ;)
The barn goat: Billy.  Very original.