I recently purchased a used 85mm f/1.4 and I'm super excited about it! The first day I got it I took my parents' Springer Spaniel, Sophie out for a couple pictures in the yard. It amazes me that at f/1.4 Sophie's eyes are completely in focus and even the tip of her nose is slightly out of focus. It's really cool how the grass in the background is completely blurry too. Needless to say I'm really excited about the possibilities this lens gives me and I'm really looking forward to gaining more experience with it. Here's the result from 45 seconds in the yard with Sophie.
Oh, and to touch on actual terminology, the effect of the blurry background is referred to as bokeh. I'm sure I'll touch more on it later in a separate post. The Nikon 85mm f/1.4 is known as one of the best bokeh-producing lenses Nikon has ever made.
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